Do you charge to join?
Nope - no reputable modelling agency should EVER charge you to join or ongoing admin fees!
Where can I find information about your agency?
Check out our About Us page or feel free to ask around within the Scottish creative industry - we're extremely proud of our positive reputation!
What sort of people are you looking for?
Unlike other agencies, we have no strict rules on height or size ... our main criteria is that you're photogenic and have the professionalism and potential to be hired by our clients.
I don't have a portfolio, can I still apply?
Yes - we take applications from both new and experienced models, so are happy to receive amateur pictures.
Can you promise me work?
No! That may sound blunt, but no agency should ever promise you this. We'll always do our best, but selection for modelling jobs is entirely down to client specifications, strength of portfolio and our judgement as to who we think best for each hire.
I have more questions - can you help?
Feel free to check our more comprehensive
F.A.Q page or
Contact Us with any questions not covered.